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Sheila | all galleries >> Challenges >> February Challenge 2012: Fill the Frame > Oil on troubled water
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Oil on troubled water

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Guest 15-Feb-2012 18:39
Cool image Sheila, great work!!!
Mieke WA Minkjan14-Feb-2012 08:29
excellent experimental composition in blue
LynnH13-Feb-2012 12:32
How cool!!! V
shatterbug13-Feb-2012 07:07
Very cool!
J. Scott Coile13-Feb-2012 01:05
Barbara Heide12-Feb-2012 16:29
splendid! v
Shayne12-Feb-2012 16:12

Guest 12-Feb-2012 07:13
Awesome, Sheila!
Janice Dunn12-Feb-2012 07:02
That does leave pretty colours and patterns
marko gregoric12-Feb-2012 06:19
This is a wonderful creation. V
lou_rozensteins11-Feb-2012 23:55
Beautiful abstract ... well done.
Karen Stuebing11-Feb-2012 23:05
Love the little oil orbs with their rainbow colors against the blue shapes. A beautiful abstract.
wernere0111-Feb-2012 21:44
Great artificial abstract. v
malcolm haslam11-Feb-2012 19:10
Outstanding! Really good.
Knox O11-Feb-2012 16:48
Excellent idea & colours!
sue anne11-Feb-2012 16:27
Very pretty with the oil and colors it created.
Gaétan Bolduc11-Feb-2012 14:15
Beautiful and creative shot, V
Guest 11-Feb-2012 13:23
Beautiful shot!
Stephanie11-Feb-2012 13:17
This is so totally awesome Sheila!!! BV
Colin Storey11-Feb-2012 13:11
Very nicely done Sheila, great abstract image.
Chris11-Feb-2012 12:00
The depth of this is incredible, I would like this hugely enlarged as a wall poster.
joanteno11-Feb-2012 11:24
Wonderful abstract
Phillip Normanton11-Feb-2012 11:01
Bubbliciously blue - and green and red and and and - fab :o)
Johnny JAG11-Feb-2012 11:00
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography11-Feb-2012 10:51
I love it
Yvonne11-Feb-2012 10:34
Fascinating spectrum captured in the oil and a beautiful background!
Brian Samuel11-Feb-2012 10:23
Wow! Blue, green and yellow galaxies. Very nicely done!
Milan Vogrin11-Feb-2012 09:55
Well done!V!