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Sheila | profile | all galleries >> Challenges >> February Challenge 2012: Fill the Frame tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

February Challenge 2012: Fill the Frame

To catch your dreams
To catch your dreams
Hear hear!
Hear hear!
Detail from a door
Detail from a door
The Leaf Cutter Bee
The Leaf Cutter Bee
Row of Seats
Row of Seats
Duty Free
Duty Free
g4/27/56927/3/141680285.FzyCyiKm.jpg g4/27/56927/3/141667765.SxuKp1Nt.jpg Trunk
Filling several frames :-)
Filling several frames :-)
Tree bark
Tree bark
Zippo, 7 weeks
Zippo, 7 weeks
11 Bees
11 Bees
Tree bark
Tree bark
 Zucchini Slice
Zucchini Slice
Old Rope
Old Rope
Sea Urchin detail
Sea Urchin detail
Oil on troubled water
Oil on troubled water
Seating material
Seating material
Seeing Red
Seeing Red
Does my tail look big in this?
Does my tail look big in this?
Day 6
Day 6
It's there in black and white
It's there in black and white
Flower display
Flower display
You put your Left Foot in..
You put your Left Foot in..
An original tiled floor
An original tiled floor