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Sheena Woodhead | all galleries >> Photo-A-Day 2005 >> August 2005 > 16 August
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16 August

Well tonight I thought I would do the orange flowers en masse!

Nikon D70 ,Nikkor 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G ED-IF AF-S DX Zoom
1/60s f/4.5 at 70.0mm with Flash ISO 200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Sheila19-Aug-2005 01:04
They look so good in a big clump!
Be careful, they spread like wildfire :-)
Al Chesworth16-Aug-2005 22:20
Nice shot Sheena, thes will take over the whole of your garden if you don't split them at the end of the year.
Zak16-Aug-2005 21:34
nice shot!
John Finlayson16-Aug-2005 21:28
Ive got those in my garden too !
Lee Rudd16-Aug-2005 21:12
the bank is ablaze! very orange