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Sheena Woodhead | all galleries >> Photo-A-Day 2005 >> August 2005 > 15 August
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15 August

Went for a walk tonight and saw this unusual cloud formation.

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David Clunas18-Aug-2005 22:00
dreamy clouds, nice
northstar3716-Aug-2005 20:45
the sun lighting them up from below
Sheila16-Aug-2005 15:15
Very nice with the contrasting black and gold!
Chris Sofopoulos16-Aug-2005 11:57
Lovely sky!
Ric Yates16-Aug-2005 05:20
Stunning colours - very unusual cloud formation.
Nice exposure in difficult lighting.
Guest 16-Aug-2005 01:15
I think its beautiful Sheena!
John Finlayson15-Aug-2005 21:12
Nice, different layers.
Gary Hebert15-Aug-2005 21:10
very unusual Sheena... quite a contrast between top and bottom...
Zak15-Aug-2005 21:03
nice sky shot!
Lee Rudd15-Aug-2005 21:02
golden clouds... very nice light to them