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Stew Gitlin | profile | all galleries >> Tanzania 2012 >> The wildlife of Tanzania >> Interesting Wildlife Encounters >> Lions and Elephant Confrontation tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Lions at a Buffalo Kill | Cheetah Drags Kill Behind Termite Mound | Elephants at Serengeti Camp | Two Cheetah Brothers | Lions and Elephant Confrontation | Elephants, Zebras, and a Pride of Lions | The Leopard Adventure | The Lions at Ngorongoro Crater

Lions and Elephant Confrontation

This was a confrontation that took place in Tarangire NP between a pride of lions at a very recent kill, and a family of elephants looking to protect their young. The lions had killed this wildebeest probably within an hour of our arriving on the scene, and were starting to feed on it, when a large family of elephants, with young ones, started walking past them on the other side of the water. In a couple of the pictures you can see the lion and the elephant starring across the water at each other. When the lead group of elephants crossed the water after passing the lions (and were actually out of our sight), one of the elephants came running back, and trumpeting, toward the lions. It happened so fast that I don't think anyone caught that moment with their cameras. The lions scattered up the hill and the elephant, after making its point, turned and left. The lions subsequently returned to feeding at the carcass.
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The confrontation begins
This is right after the elephant charged the lions and one brave lion returned to the kill
This is right after the elephant charged the lions and one brave lion returned to the kill
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