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23rd Support Field Army Command

Worn from:
21 July 1967 - 18 October 1988.

Twenty-third Theater Area Support Command.
Worn from: 18 October 1988 - Current.

The two chevrons, heraldic symbols of support, are
interlaced to represent the command's mission to
co-ordinate combat service support operational matters;
the enclosed red areas signify combat. The two "X's,"
created by the braced chevrons and extending across
the shield, form a barrier and denote the organization's
territorial control over the field army service area for
rear area security operations. The two "X's", which simulate
the roman numeral for twenty, together with the three red
areas, also allude to the numerical designation of the command.

Canon PowerShot S50
1s f/2.8 at 7.1mm full exif

other sizes: small original auto
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