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Serena Bowles | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> Australia 2003-04 >> Esperance tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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I spent over a week in the southern WA town of Esperance, a very nice place.

The town itself has a pleasant, relaxing feel to it, and boasts an impressive museum, jam-packed with exhibits. There is also some stunning scenery nearby, and plenty to see and do in the area.

Read about my adventures in Australia here

Some of my photos are now available to buy in a variety of sizes and finishes, or as digital files, at

Cape Le Grand National Park
< Cape Le Grand National Park >
The Great Ocean Drive
< The Great Ocean Drive >
Duke of Orleans Bay
< Duke of Orleans Bay >
Bright and Beautiful
Bright and Beautiful
Same same but different - dance of the kaleidoscopic flowers
< Same same but different - dance of the kaleidoscopic flowers >
Cluster of Fallen Sunshine
Cluster of Fallen Sunshine
Delicate Blooms
Delicate Blooms
The Museum
< The Museum >
Fly Away
Fly Away
One White Cloud
One White Cloud
Stretching On
Stretching On
Stripey Splendour
Stripey Splendour
Tanker Jetty
Tanker Jetty
Sunshine on a Rain Day
Sunshine on a Rain Day
Under the Boards
Under the Boards