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Coleen Perilloux Landry | all galleries >> Galleries >> West End and Bucktown After Katrina > Upside Down after Six Months
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17 February 2006 Coleen Perilloux Landry

Upside Down after Six Months

When owners have to worry about rebuilding their lives, their homes and their businesses I guess the boats should be the last thing on their minds.

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Zak18-Feb-2006 14:13
Guest 18-Feb-2006 13:44
Good shot...
Buz Kiefer18-Feb-2006 12:16
Another fine photojournalism shot Coleen. I have learned more about the situation down there from your photos than from the national news and hundreds of phone calls.
Bryan Ramsay18-Feb-2006 11:19
Really puts things in perspective. -BJ
laine8218-Feb-2006 10:24
A sad & sorry sight indeed.
QUERIDO18-Feb-2006 06:48
amazing shot
Karen Leaf18-Feb-2006 04:58
Breaks my heart. I wonder how the marina is functioning with this all around.
It's really a quintessential hurricane image.
Guest 18-Feb-2006 03:02
Depicts our situation well, Coleen. I think we have made enormous progress in the almost 6 months since the storm, but then you look around and see thwhat is left to do is still completely overwhelming.
Cindy Flood18-Feb-2006 03:01
Such a sad scene.
Robin Reid18-Feb-2006 02:58
Still this is a stunning scene.... the recovery is soooo slow.
royalld18-Feb-2006 01:46
Tough going here....
We have many friends whose only home is their boat.
Amazingly, if the hulls were not compromised,
many boats can be repaired easier than landside homes.
These boats don't belong to folks who live aboard them,
or they would be either back in the water or upright on jackstands.
petesie17-Feb-2006 23:28
Lives and boats upside down. It does put things in perspective, doesn't it? Good work, Coleen.
s_barbour17-Feb-2006 23:22
Wow, that is amazing! Your'e right, the boats are probably the last thing on their minds. Nice image Coleen.
J. Scott Coile17-Feb-2006 23:18
This is amazing. It really does put priorities in perspective!
Al Chesworth17-Feb-2006 23:04
Such a shame, makes you realise where priorities must take precedence.
Katrina will be felt for at least a century.