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Chris Brooker | all galleries >> London >> 4th March 2004 London > The Paternoster Column (2003) & Noon-Mark
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04-MAR-2004 Chris Brooker

The Paternoster Column (2003) & Noon-Mark

Paternoster Square

Portland stone, Cornish granite and gilded copper urn.

If you have no idea what the month is come to Paternoster Square in London, wait for the sun to come out and look at the building at the back.
It looks as if the sun strikes the top of the column, passes through the hole in the gantry and forms a spot on the scale. (I think)
As soon as I see it working I will show you.

Olympus E-20N
1/200s f/3.2 at 29.0mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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