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kariba Galleries Search Results 1 to 6 of 6
Bumi Hills Safari Lodge, Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe
Bumi Hills Safari Lodge, Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe
by Tom Hall
Bumi Hills Lodge in Zimbabwe
Bumi Hills Lodge in Zimbabwe
by Salah El-Sadek
Ruckomechi Camp
Ruckomechi Camp
by lcurran
Siavonga on Lake Kariba, Zambia
Siavonga on Lake Kariba, Zambia
by Joe Sullivan
Zimbabwe 2007
Zimbabwe 2007
by Charles Helm
trip to lake kariba
by Jessi

kariba Pictures Search Results 1 to 10 of 143
Elephant with cattle egret at Lake Kariba
Sunrise on Lake Kariba
Kariba Access Road
The Kariba Dam, built 1955 1959, holds back the 2100 square mile Lake Kariba
View of Lake Kariba from our tent
Bumi Hills Safari Lodge at Lake Kariba
Goliath Heron
Zambezi River Kariba Gorge
12937 Our transport on the lake / Lake Kariba Zambia
Lake Kariba history
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