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Tom Hall | profile | all galleries >> African Safari, Zambia and Zimbabwe, May 26-June 11, 2024 >> Bumi Hills Safari Lodge, Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bumi Hills Safari Lodge, Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe

Our last stop was at Bumi Hills Safari Lodge on Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe. More amazing animals, birds, sunsets, and fine dining before our long trip home.
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Bumi Hills Safari Lodge at Lake Kariba
Bumi Hills Safari Lodge at Lake Kariba
View of Lake Kariba from our tent (4 shot pano)
View of Lake Kariba from our tent (4 shot pano)
Brown-necked parrot
Brown-necked parrot
Blacksmith lapwing
Blacksmith lapwing
Little bee-eater
Little bee-eater
Banded martin
Banded martin
Pair of Egyptian geese
Pair of Egyptian geese
The black heron or umbrella bird
The black heron or umbrella bird
Umbrella bird fishing
Umbrella bird fishing
Elephant with cattle egret at Lake Kariba
Elephant with cattle egret at Lake Kariba
Secretary bird marching across the plain
Secretary bird marching across the plain
Secretary bird accelerating for liftoff!
Secretary bird accelerating for liftoff!
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