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Burmese Jadeite, Dark Green Jade From Burma Untreated

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Darker shades of green jade are very popular among men, Kaisilver delivers Burmese jadeite in untreated form to fulfill such requirements. While jade with fine color and high translucence is very desirable, prices can match the price of fine ruby or sapphire. By working directly with major jade operators in the Kachin region of Burma, we pick affordable untreated green jadeite gems for our discerning clients. More than 85% of the jade that reaches commercial markets is dyed to enhance color and appearance, it is therefore necessary to tap the gemstone at the source to procure good value at each price point. Our selection includes a range of green hues and are custom cut to fit each custom made jade ring, pendant or other jade jewelry that we make. The complete report will give you more details on this topic, review it at

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