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Green Jade From Burma, Seeking Affordability For Natural Untreated Burmese Jade

On Location

The demand for untreated green jade is high but, the finest Imperial Jade from Burma can cost as much as sapphires, rubies and diamonds. The truth is that very few budgets can handle the prices of the finest jade pieces. Knowledgeable gem lovers and believers in the special powers of crystals and gems, truly appreciate a natural gem when it is not treated in any way. At Kaisilver we can source even the finest jade for you but, have an equally important mission in mind. By working directly with the major jade source in Northern Burma, we are able to carefully select and handpick good value untreated green jade at affordable prices. Of the hundreds of pieces that we source on each trip, it is no more than a dozen that pass the final checking process by our gem experts. We custom make gold and sterling silver jade rings and jade pendants with these gems, the design and dimensions can be chosen by the buyer. Some jade jewelry buyers mention their intention to go for dyed jade instead of the untreated stone, we are in a position to accommodate such requests too. By providing a clear disclosure of the jade that we offer, we ensure that each price level delivers good value to the buyer. Review a more comprehensive report on this topic at

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