Funny story about this one...
A few years back I was responding to a craigslist ad for
a lens, the Sigma 30mm f/1.4, and I met this guy on the
street. Before I bought the lens, I asked him if I could
test it, as I always do. I took this shot of the kid,
determined the lens was ok, and paid him. At the same
time, I noticed his girlfriend taking a shot of me
from the side with a Hasselblad. I guess one good
turn deserves another! :-)
This guy looked like a "kid" to me, but I found out later that he
became quite a successful web "designer" of sorts, with stuff geared
towards audio mixing. And he also appears to be a very good photographer.
A good friend recently sent me a link to an interesting
interview without knowing this story, and when I looked at it,
I laughed and sent her this pic. I said, hey, this is the guy
I shot in this pic!! :-)
Note: For the sake of privacy, I decided not to name the person,
but he's pretty well known on the web.