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Sam_C | all galleries >> Current >> Portraits > Canon EOS D30: "Baby's Got Back"
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07-JUL-2005 Sam_C

Canon EOS D30: "Baby's Got Back"

The EOS D30 is a great camera for portraits.
Contrary to the myth, its images are not "soft."
I actually softened this image to make it more
flattering :-)

Canon EOS D30
1/80s f/3.5 at 50.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Ali Majdfar26-Jul-2010 09:30
Lovely! ~V
Jeff Real02-Apr-2010 00:43
The softness, light and grain are perfect enhancements for this fine portrait ~V~
Yiannis Pavlis30-Mar-2010 13:14
Great work with effect,
Tones and supporting elements as grain. V
Lee G25-Mar-2010 14:43
Sweet portrait, Sam, nicely posed beauty and your bw work is always top quality!
shatterbug24-Mar-2010 05:00
Lovely composition and lighting!
FrankB23-Mar-2010 11:48
beautiful...great tonal the rendering of the hair....V
Guest 23-Mar-2010 03:00
12323-Mar-2010 02:54
Lovely "back". V
bill friedlander22-Mar-2010 21:22
Lovely portrait. Excellent light and pose. You show the model to good advantage. V
Simon Chandler22-Mar-2010 20:11
Excellent portrait. Great classic look. You are the man! v
J. Scott Coile22-Mar-2010 18:00
Lovely pose Sam!
Fong Lam22-Mar-2010 15:52
Lovely lighting and soft effect on this superb profile shot, Sam....V
Martha Albuquerque22-Mar-2010 13:56
Beautiful :)~ V
an nguyen22-Mar-2010 11:19
Pensive mood makes the photo outstanding.
settler22-Mar-2010 10:31
Where the image makes words redundant!...V!