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Savanna Army Depot

Farmland originally known as Sand Prairie, an area 13 miles long and 1 to 4 miles wide
between the CB&Q Railroad and the Mississippi River, became the Savanna Proving Ground
after Congress passed the Sundry Civil Act in 1917. It was intended to provide,
"Facilities for the Proof and Test of Field Artillery and Ammunition". Army operations
continued until the base closed in 2000.

Some of the area is now known as Lost Mound Wildlife Preserve,
cleanup of old ordnance has been underway for some years. A small
number of the buildings are being used by private companies for business
and storage but the majority are slated for demolition.
Guard Shack
Guard Shack
Hanover Bluffs
Hanover Bluffs
Vanishing Road
Vanishing Road
Heat Plant
Heat Plant
Warning, Restricted Area
Warning, Restricted Area
Unknown Building
Unknown Building
Bunker Town
Bunker Town
Headquarters, 2011
Headquarters, 2011
Number 23 Entrance
Number 23 Entrance
Brick Shed
Brick Shed
Light Shadow
Light Shadow
Trackside Structure
Trackside Structure
Tank Cars
Tank Cars
Door 928
Door 928
Rail Docks
Rail Docks
Dock Door
Dock Door
Depot Cottonwood
Depot Cottonwood
Three Stacks
Three Stacks
Steam Boiler
Steam Boiler
Control Panel
Control Panel
Closed Intersection
Closed Intersection
BNSF 6078
BNSF 6078
Cold, Dry, and Deserted
Cold, Dry, and Deserted
Sand Prairie Spur
Sand Prairie Spur
Ivied Wall
Ivied Wall
Open Doors
Open Doors
Headquarters, 2012
Headquarters, 2012
Door 928, 2012
Door 928, 2012
Fresh Paint, Old Knob
Fresh Paint, Old Knob
Old Hardware, Old Paint
Old Hardware, Old Paint
Building at CN Loop Road
Building at CN Loop Road
Chainlink and Vine
Chainlink and Vine
Guardshack on McIntire Road
Guardshack on McIntire Road
D Street Barracks
D Street Barracks
Headquarters 2015
Headquarters 2015
Depot Tanks
Depot Tanks
Chain Link
Chain Link
Gate and Guardshack
Gate and Guardshack
Guard Shack and Vines
Guard Shack and Vines
Abandoned Gas Station on Crim Drive
Abandoned Gas Station on Crim Drive
Guard Shack Detail
Guard Shack Detail
Oaks along West Road
Oaks along West Road
Confluence of the Moquoketa and Mississippi Rivers
Confluence of the Moquoketa and Mississippi Rivers
Beyond Building 408
Beyond Building 408
Gate and Guardshack 2022
Gate and Guardshack 2022