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Nothing But Ice

Ice in the Illinois River Canyons comes in many shapes and colors.
Landing Zone
Landing Zone
Ottawa Canyon Ice
Ottawa Canyon Ice
Ottawa Canyon Ice Detail
Ottawa Canyon Ice Detail
Drip and Deposit
Drip and Deposit
Ice Cascade
Ice Cascade
Ice Column
Ice Column
Below Zero
Below Zero
St Louis Canyon Ice Fall Detail
St Louis Canyon Ice Fall Detail
Crystal Tower
Crystal Tower
Cascade Falls
Cascade Falls
Emerald Ice
Emerald Ice
Abyssal Ice
Abyssal Ice
Front to Back
Front to Back
Back Lit Ice
Back Lit Ice
Puddle Ice
Puddle Ice
Curtain and Mound
Curtain and Mound
Canyon Ice
Canyon Ice
Dangerous Ice
Dangerous Ice
Cascade Column
Cascade Column
Blue Mound
Blue Mound
Cat's Paws
Cat's Paws
Grotto Ice
Grotto Ice
Amorphous Ice
Amorphous Ice
Ice Sheet
Ice Sheet
Crystal Cascade
Crystal Cascade
Upward and Downward
Upward and Downward
Drip and Seep
Drip and Seep
Falls Backside
Falls Backside
Ice Shelf
Ice Shelf
Canyon Alcove
Canyon Alcove
Stick and Leaves Under Ice
Stick and Leaves Under Ice
Thin Surface Ice
Thin Surface Ice
Ooze at the Edge
Ooze at the Edge
Small Cascade
Small Cascade
Ice Base
Ice Base
Growing Up and Down
Growing Up and Down
Connected Column at Ottawa Canyon
Connected Column at Ottawa Canyon
Rock and Ice
Rock and Ice
Ice Column Base
Ice Column Base
Translucent Jade
Translucent Jade
Rock and Ice II
Rock and Ice II
Sandstone and Ice
Sandstone and Ice
Ice Column Transition
Ice Column Transition
Green Base
Green Base
Cascade Falls 2014
Cascade Falls 2014
Lower Dells Seep
Lower Dells Seep
Snow Dusted Ice
Snow Dusted Ice
Seep Behind the Falls
Seep Behind the Falls
Layers of Rock and Ice
Layers of Rock and Ice
Bib of Ice
Bib of Ice
Dribbling Ice
Dribbling Ice
Icefall Detail
Icefall Detail
Ice Corridor
Ice Corridor
Ice-glazed Log
Ice-glazed Log
Bubbles in Ice
Bubbles in Ice
Meander with Melting Ice
Meander with Melting Ice
Frosty Puddle
Frosty Puddle