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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favourite Images > Manitoba Maple seeds
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29-AUG-2008 Ruth Voorhis

Manitoba Maple seeds

Nikon D300 ,Micro-Nikkor 105mm f2.8 VR
1/200s f/11.0 at 105.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Paul Milholland03-Oct-2008 02:00
Gotta love those Fall colors.
Guest 27-Sep-2008 19:36
Great color.
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo27-Sep-2008 08:25
Very pretty with outstanding color and detail.
Guest 26-Sep-2008 16:56
Nicely done against the sky like that!
Guest 26-Sep-2008 13:04
Outstanding fall image, and so well framed.
Ann26-Sep-2008 08:55
Wonderful image Ruth. Beautiful colour of the maple leaves against the wonderful blue sky.
Roger Bailey26-Sep-2008 08:45
Nice image, shows up well against the sky, similar to our Sycamore - the seeds get everywhere!
Guest 26-Sep-2008 06:32
very nice!
Bea.26-Sep-2008 05:43
Stunning shot Ruth, wonderful colours against the sky.
Rev. Kelly Todd26-Sep-2008 03:17
neat color, we have the seeds here, but I have not seen them in red before! nice capture
Barry Ailetcher26-Sep-2008 01:09
very pretty image Ruth
Guest 25-Sep-2008 23:53
very nice against the Blue sky Ruth.
Henry Heerschap25-Sep-2008 23:45
Well seen. Nice contrast of colors.
Guest 25-Sep-2008 23:05
Lovely colour :-)
paplvr25-Sep-2008 23:01
Very pretty, love the warm light and crisp image. Linda S
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