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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favourite Images > Gold and Red
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05-SEP-2008 Ruth Voorhis

Gold and Red

Nikon D300 ,Micro-Nikkor 105mm f2.8 VR
1/100s f/8.0 at 105.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jack Hoying17-Sep-2008 12:03
Well seen and photographed!
Guest 16-Sep-2008 04:54
This is fabulous!
Guest 10-Sep-2008 18:13
Simple but beautiful.
Guest 09-Sep-2008 21:20
Love how you captured the colors!
Rev. Kelly Todd08-Sep-2008 17:05
I love the colors Ruth, especially the red seads, maybe the fill light could be increased with just a bit more contrast to make them pop even more! very nice!
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo08-Sep-2008 10:41
Okay, I was so taken by the color and the thought of fall that I forgot to make my challenge comments. Color is good and the angle provides some lovely back lighting for the leaves, which makes them glow - very nice. The DOF as seen on the lower branch blur is nice. The only thing that distracts is the top branch leaving the scene. Cloning it out would stop the viewer from following the branch out of the picture.
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo08-Sep-2008 10:35
Wonderful color! It does look like the promise of fall!
DB Hans08-Sep-2008 06:13
Nice colors.
paplvr08-Sep-2008 00:52
Really pretty. I would have the same comments as the others. Linda S
jpat07-Sep-2008 23:16
Excellent choice for background of the autumn leaves/colors
momad3004407-Sep-2008 22:26
Very pretty....I LOVE fall...surely wish winter didn't follow though.

fotabug07-Sep-2008 22:20
gorgeous. Would make a great poster
Mike Leone07-Sep-2008 22:16
Great use of diagonal composition, and coloring
Guest 07-Sep-2008 22:15
Good photo Ruth! The colours work well with the pale background
Ann07-Sep-2008 21:25
That is so lovely Ruth. Wonderful colours and composition.
Bea.07-Sep-2008 21:14
Beautifully taken Ruth, excellent work.
Roger Bailey07-Sep-2008 20:39
Very nice image, Autumn is on its way.
Guest 07-Sep-2008 20:32
Ruth, lovely angle and composition, and very nice colours as well.
Guest 07-Sep-2008 20:02
Beautifully composed. That diagonal angle just draws my eyes in to the lovely shape and color of the leaves.
Barry Ailetcher07-Sep-2008 18:54
very nice
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