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Roy Birger Nilsen | all galleries >> Galleries >> " The lonely hour" project -the pictures > Hand in hand
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Hand in hand

Nikon D200
1/8s f/5.6 at 18.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
12322-Mar-2007 01:17
Oh yeah, the red and yellow lights on the left take the cake on this image.
Quite a bit to see and a lovely DOF makes it special!!!
Steve Price21-Mar-2007 19:29
Good shot.
alexeig20-Mar-2007 22:34
Loving couple in otherwise harsh surroundings ... Nicely seen
Guenter Eh20-Mar-2007 21:22
Life can be so beautiful...with your picture too Roy! Love the illuminated station clock (5 to 7 - the lonley hour)!
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