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John Routerer | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sony P&S 2008 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sony P&S 2008

My Canon 350D stopped working 16th Feb 08, so i'm using my first digital camera, a Sony 5m pixel Cybershot whilst deciding what to do next.
Five Days Old
Five Days Old
Young Female Pheasant
Young Female Pheasant
Quack Quacks along the Shroppy
Quack Quacks along the Shroppy
Wanted for Assault
Wanted for Assault
Fishing Lake by The Shropshire Union
Fishing Lake by The Shropshire Union
Canal Toll Booth
Canal Toll Booth
Boatyard workshop
Boatyard workshop
Cyril Waiting Patiently
Cyril Waiting Patiently
White Horse Inn
White Horse Inn