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John Routerer | all galleries >> Galleries >> liverpool_2008 > Someone Tried To Catch My Attention
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24-OCT-2008 john

Someone Tried To Catch My Attention

On the corner of Paradise Street and Lord Street the other day.


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Kim Randolph01-Dec-2008 02:05
I love the steely eyes and the finger pointing at you. Great portrait!

I was going to comment that you folks in the UK are a strange bunch, but then it occured to me that's what I look like after shooting the frozen lake at minus forty degrees in a Minnesota winter! ;-)
tammie29-Oct-2008 03:56
YIKES!! At original size that is REALLY spooky!! Great capture!
Keith O'Brien28-Oct-2008 20:37
Looks like an acute case of anaemia to me John ;-) Great portrait though. V
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