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John Routerer | all galleries >> Galleries >> liverpool_2008 > They Tried Fire
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06-SEP-2008 john

They Tried Fire

Lime Street

La Princess had been rampaging thro the city for 2 days at this point and here she'd just returned to the building on Lime Street where she'd been discovered the day before, clinging to the side of a building that was waiting for demolition.
It is thought that she'd been disturbed during the pre demolition inspection.
It wasn't known at this point that she was a friendly spider.


Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi ,Canon 70-200L F4 IS
1/30s f/4.0 at 70.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
tammie29-Oct-2008 04:02
Nicely done John.
Janet Forjan-Freedman23-Oct-2008 14:22
What an impressive creature you captured! Looks like it needs a lot of operators to make it mobile! Is this a scene from a movie being filmed?
Guest 23-Oct-2008 13:00
Wow it looks cool! I was sad to have missed it. thanks for the comments btw
Guest 23-Oct-2008 10:16
Man that thing is massive! Excellent exposure with the lighting here, John.
Lee G23-Oct-2008 04:18
Very intriguing scene! I'm glad you included the story behind this shot.
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