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These galleries either represent local areas in Arkansas or birding trips. I am not a photographer but like to document the birds I see. I don't use a tripod with the camera and all my shots are handheld while I am in the field.
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Black-vented Oriole Chase
:: Black-vented Oriole Chase ::
Sax Zim Bog Area Minnesota
:: Sax Zim Bog Area Minnesota ::
Nevada and Utah Camping Trip
:: Nevada and Utah Camping Trip ::
Fort Bragg Pelagic
:: Fort Bragg Pelagic ::
Miscellaneous Images
:: Miscellaneous Images ::
Falcated Duck Chase
:: Falcated Duck Chase ::
Hatteras Pelagic and Chesapeak Bay Bridge
:: Hatteras Pelagic and Chesapeak Bay Bridge ::
Adak to Dutch Harbor
:: Adak to Dutch Harbor ::
Piratic Flycatcher Chase
:: Piratic Flycatcher Chase ::
2013 Images
:: 2013 Images ::
Arizona March 2013
:: Arizona March 2013 ::
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