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Barnard's Galaxy Through a Veil of Galactic Cirrus
Barnard's Galaxy Through a Veil of Galactic Cirrus
Spiral Galaxy NGC 5792 with Distant Background Quasars
Spiral Galaxy NGC 5792 with Distant Background Quasars
The Sombrero Galaxy and a Swarm of Globular Clusters
The Sombrero Galaxy and a Swarm of Globular Clusters
M104 - The Sombrero Galaxy
M104 - The Sombrero Galaxy
Colliding galaxies NGC2207 and IC2163
Colliding galaxies NGC2207 and IC2163
Centaurus A
Centaurus A
Colliding galaxies NGC4038-39 - 'The Antennae'
Colliding galaxies NGC4038-39 - 'The Antennae'
The Cartwheel Galaxy
The Cartwheel Galaxy
M83 - 'The Southern Pinwheel'
M83 - 'The Southern Pinwheel'
Barred spiral NGC1300
Barred spiral NGC1300
Barred spiral NGC1365
Barred spiral NGC1365
Colliding galaxies NGC2207 and IC2163
Colliding galaxies NGC2207 and IC2163