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Roel van Gestel | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Military aviation from 2005 onwards tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Military aviation from 2005 onwards

With no current and nearby enemies, military aviation in Europe was only a glimpse of what it used to be 20+ years before. Better cameras for less aviation quality
All images are Copywrite, please do not use without permission. All pictures (c) Roel van Gestel
AMARG & Pima
AMARG & Pima
Other US Museums
Other US Museums
Royal Netherlands Air Force
Royal Netherlands Air Force
Iraqi air force
Iraqi air force
AB-412 TCSG-512
AB-412 TCSG-512
MiG-23UB 20 63
MiG-23UB 20 63
MiG-21US 256
MiG-21US 256
Airbus 310 - 304MRTT 10+24
Airbus 310 - 304MRTT 10+24
UH-1H A2-279
UH-1H A2-279
CH-53 Yasur 2000 038
CH-53 Yasur 2000 038
Mirage 2000D 643
Mirage 2000D 643