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Roel van Gestel | all galleries >> Galleries >> Military aviation between 1995-2005 > MiG-29 15
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6-JUl-1996 Roel van Gestel

MiG-29 15


Hungary received 28 MiG-29's as debt compensation (in total value of 800 million U$) from Russia in 1993. They served with the 59th Wing at Kecskemét until December 2010, when the last one was retired. In the last years of operations, 14 MiG's remained operational, with the others being cannabilised to keep the active ones airworthy. The Fulcrums are now for sale since they're replaced by JAS Gripens. Pictured is MiG-29 15 (c/n 35182) of the Kecskemét Wing in better days at Twente, July 1996.

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