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Gary Robertshaw | all galleries >> Galleries >> Coast Guard Motor Lifeboat vs. big wave > Meanwhile, inside the harbor...
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04-DEC-2007 ©2007 by Gary Robertshaw

Meanwhile, inside the harbor...

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Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ50
1/1300s f/7.1 at 37.9mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ted 20-Oct-2009 17:25
But wait...God's the one who sent the wave in the first place, isn't he?
Michael & Judith Maguire 18-Feb-2008 19:26
Michael and I are looking at your photos as my nephew Rudy Estrada was at the helm of the boat. Do you know that he is a born again blood washed Christian and we know he is in God's hand when he drives the boat. We are rejoicing and giving God the glory for anyone who was saved in this experience and thank you Robert Shaw for your eye-witness account and amazing skill with a camera. May the Lord abundantly bless you and your gift-in Jesus name we pray! PS Michael 's father was Navy so he gave a thorough interpretation to me. Amen
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