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Gary Robertshaw | all galleries >> Galleries >> Coast Guard Motor Lifeboat vs. big wave > Escort
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04-DEC-2007 ©2007 by Gary Robertshaw


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Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ50
1/1300s f/8.0 at 88.8mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 25-Oct-2009 06:19
amazing photo.
hank 23-Dec-2007 19:59
Prop's to the photographer. right place, right time .. great series Good job
Guest 18-Dec-2007 22:38
not much stress on the engine mounts, red gear and struts got a little.
Guest 18-Dec-2007 22:36
just a little water intrusion
Greg Walker 18-Dec-2007 19:03
Thank God for Coast Guard engineering and a budget big enough to build it right. However I would like to read what the damage report said.

Can you imagine the stresses put upon the engine mounts and the shaft alleys? Even these boats are not designed for a vertical launch like this. They are designed for a rollover and all the crew is topside, strapped in while wearing exposure suits.

A great job of photography and just think this crew will be right back out the next shift.
Guest 13-Dec-2007 09:15
its a machinery technician and he doesnt chill below but yeah they prob. had to change theyre undies
wheatczech 13-Dec-2007 04:07
I'm guessing that every sailors pants needed washed out too. Especially the poor machinist's mate down below. At least once they picked him out of the aft bilge!
Gary Robertshaw12-Dec-2007 03:03
Phillip, thanks for a great caption...8^)
Phillip Morris 11-Dec-2007 20:56
Well Mom I washed the boat off
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