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Gary Robertshaw | all galleries >> The Yosemite Collection >> Half Dome! Our trek to the top. > Cool and wet return on the John Muir Trail
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31-MAY-2006 © 2006 Gary Robertshaw

Cool and wet return on the John Muir Trail


Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ30
1/200s f/5.6 at 31.5mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Gary Robertshaw12-Apr-2010 23:17
Thanks for the comment. Most people use gloves on the cables, and they make it much easier going down. Leather is a little slippery for going up, but great for controlled sliding going down. Rubberized gloves give better traction up, but are not good for down. There is usually a pile of gloves at the base of the cables, if you don't bring your own. After several trips, I now use bare hands up, and leather gloves down.
MM 18-Mar-2010 21:46
Beautiful and inspiring. Thank you for posting. BTW - were gloves helpful on cables? I would not thought to have brought them. Maybe a quick trip to REI before I leave for my own few days in paradise...
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