Richard Cobby | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> There once was an ugly duckling - and eleven other siblings too! | tree view | thumbnails | slideshow |
There Once was an Ugly Duckling -
Eleven other Siblings too!
This story is not about an ugly duckling
(they are all too cute) turning into a beautiful swan as the children’s story
is told, but of a mother duck, who for the second year running, decided to make
her nest in our garden and hatch her twelve chicks away from the dangers of the
big wide park nearby.
For many weeks she sat on the nest
incubating her clutch of eggs. At first she would fly off when anyone passed by
on the garden path but soon we gained her trust and she would sit tight no
matter what, braving the elements of the rather unwanted cool spring weather.
This photo essay unfolds on the day they
hatched, when for some strange reason Mrs Mallard decided that her twelve
babies were to explore the higher regions of the garden which entailed scaling
four large steps (well twice the height of the little chicks who were just
hours old). For over thirty minutes mother duck patiently taught her kids by
demonstration and encouragement, praising each one as they finally made
Eventually, just two remained at the
bottom and several on the last jump, each too exhausted to continue making the
gigantic leaps and flaps required to reach to the top. Never fear, good old Uncle Richard was at
hand with an ingenious plan which ended in total success and later on he also arranged some special transport to their
new home destination - the park lake and a ‘happy ever after’ ending...
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Guest | 04-Nov-2008 12:08 | |
Fay Stout | 15-Sep-2008 13:40 | |
Alina | 22-May-2008 20:55 | |
Milan Vogrin | 14-Apr-2008 09:00 | |
Jaime Serrano | 12-Apr-2008 10:55 | |
Guest | 11-Apr-2008 13:46 | |
Eric Herbelin | 10-Apr-2008 18:43 | |
Susanne v. Schroeder | 10-Apr-2008 00:49 | |
gary becker | 04-Apr-2008 14:25 | |
CIS | 12-Jan-2008 05:05 | |
Marni J. Bradford | 03-Aug-2007 05:32 | |
Marjan Schavemaker | 02-Aug-2007 15:50 | |
Guest | 29-Jul-2007 16:50 | |
Peter Chou | 29-Jul-2007 11:29 | |
Steve Highfield | 28-Jul-2007 09:11 | |
RadioWonder | 28-Jul-2007 04:39 | |
Coleen Perilloux Landry | 27-Jul-2007 15:32 | |
anuschka | 27-Jul-2007 13:25 | |
Karen Mickleson | 27-Jul-2007 00:29 | |
Christine P. Newman | 26-Jul-2007 05:18 | |
Guest | 26-Jul-2007 04:42 | |
Guest | 25-Jul-2007 10:42 | |
Wendy O | 24-Jul-2007 22:55 | |
Jean-Luc Rollier | 24-Jul-2007 13:13 | |
Eric Herbelin | 24-Jul-2007 11:36 | |
Jason Ankers | 24-Jul-2007 10:24 | |
Guest | 23-Jul-2007 03:40 | |
peterjay45 | 22-Jul-2007 19:21 | |
Martha Albuquerque | 22-Jul-2007 13:21 | |
Sandi Whitteker | 22-Jul-2007 03:55 | |
Guest | 21-Jul-2007 14:47 | |
Charles Lasnier | 21-Jul-2007 06:16 | |
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet | 21-Jul-2007 00:39 | |
Betty Wilchek | 20-Jul-2007 03:50 | |
Guest | 19-Jul-2007 14:11 | |
Richard Calmes | 19-Jul-2007 10:54 | |
Bruna K. | 19-Jul-2007 09:41 | |
Marisa Livet | 19-Jul-2007 09:35 | |
Guest | 16-Jul-2007 14:17 | |
Guest | 13-Jul-2007 14:57 | |
Guest | 10-Jul-2007 09:14 | |