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Ron Fredrick | profile | all galleries >> Finally, Italy - 2007 >> Roma (11X) >> Images From the Vatican Museums tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Images From the Vatican Museums

g3/70/694070/3/88660589.3WTvOlUH.jpg g3/70/694070/3/88660663.pvAyZ3Fy.jpg The Battle of Constantine
The Battle of Constantine
Detail from The Battle of Constantine
Detail from "The Battle of Constantine"
One quadrant of the ceiling in the Room of Heliodorus.  The sacrifice of Isaac.
One quadrant of the ceiling in the Room of Heliodorus. The sacrifice of Isaac.
One quadrant of the ceiling in the Room of Heliodorus.  Jacob's dream.
One quadrant of the ceiling in the Room of Heliodorus. Jacob's dream.
One quadrant of the ceiling in the Room of Heliodorus. Noah leaving the ark
One quadrant of the ceiling in the Room of Heliodorus. Noah leaving the ark
g3/70/694070/3/88682431.WZwbIyBp.jpg g3/70/694070/3/88683906.dqPSiG3L.jpg