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Reimar Gaertner | all galleries >> Galleries >> italy_2007 > 132 Todi Vinyard Pano.jpg
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132 Todi Vinyard Pano.jpg

Panorama of vineyard and hilltop city of Todi in Umbria Italy

farm; house; rolling; fields; Umbria; Italy; Europe; green; blue sky; clouds; crop; plant; southern; hill country; hilly; hills; agriculture; cultivate; cultivated; harvest; grow; landscape; wheat; hilltop; hillside; village; town; city; Tiber; Valley; river; panorama; Todi; medieval; vines; vineyard; grapes; wine; growing; olive; trees; grove

Nikon D200
1/60s f/8.0 at 45.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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