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In 'n round our house

Which place could be better than your own house to shoot pictures?
You know every corner and you see it almost every day of the year, in ever changing situations.
Home is paradise.
20th of May 2018 Strangest cloud formation that I ever saw Our Garden Shed 6 juli 2016 g9/00/747500/3/161902334.tN3MATdY.jpg The UFO landed in MY garden?
This is not a yellow submarine David's Bike First snow Nobody wants to stay in the shade Our frozen garden shed Cracks and splinters
Filling the pool They have no name One stone of our house Rocky Terrace A few years later The washing
The roof and the sun The gnarl Fuel wood Willy's delicious plums W's and M's houses Pam's sculpture
o6/00/747500/1/79000923.Z0yuAa8g.Theneighbourspigeon.jpg BBQ Sky Lucky Glass with spoons My garden shadow A little bit of our garden, a little bit of our neighbours'
Our three cats in a row Ebony Lucky The chiro girl Plum leaf Tree rings (in our garden)
Red candles Garden chair My garden shed Living among trees