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Lee Rudd | all galleries >> The Daily Post - 2008 Day by Day >> October 2008 > Leaf Pile
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26-OCT-2008 Lee Rudd

Leaf Pile

Sunday 26th October
Day 1408

Leaf Debris washed into the garden by the weather....

Nikon D200 ,Sigma 30mm f/1.4 EX DC HSM
1/800s f/1.4 at 30.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Wenche Aune27-Oct-2008 06:30
Wonderful colors.
Máire Uí Mhaicín26-Oct-2008 20:28
Love the POV in this.
beverley harrison26-Oct-2008 19:22
its rained all day here too!!
Pat Shawyer26-Oct-2008 16:14
Very nicely done Lee.
Barbara Heide26-Oct-2008 16:11
ctreative angle! not easy to come up with something on autumn leaves...well done!
Ann...26-Oct-2008 15:40
Lovely colourful assortment!
Guest 26-Oct-2008 15:28
love the colors
Faye White26-Oct-2008 15:21
nice debris and pov!