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Barbara Read and Fred Schaad | all galleries >> Sports & Action >> Rodeos >> Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo 2009 > Tie Down Roping I
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Sept 2009 Fred Schaad

Tie Down Roping I

Merritt, BC view map

Tie Down roping is a skill event where the cowboy and his horse must race against time to out perform
other competitors to rope and tie a calf. Before the rider breaks the chute barrier (i.e., a rope across the chute)
the calf must have crossed the score line. A penalty of 10 seconds is added to his time, if the rider fails
to time this just right. The cowboy must then rope the calf, jump off his horse and run down the rope and throw the calf to the
ground while it is still standing. If the calf is already down when the cowboy reaches the animal, more time is deducted.
Any three legs of the calf must be tied with a "piggin’ string" for a minimum of 6 seconds or the roper is disqualified.
This is a team event, as the horse that works with cowboy must be able to run down the calf, stop on command,
and hold the rope tight while the cowboy runs to the calf.
Finding a horse that can be trained to do all this well is a difficult task. CPRA

Canon EOS-1D Mark III ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM ,Digital
1/3200s, f/4.0, ISO 640, 280mm, 1.4xTC full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Robert DeCamp03-Mar-2011 20:08
Great shot.
John12-Sep-2009 10:08
Excellent timing indeed. BV
Naret Visesvongsa10-Sep-2009 03:44
Perfect timing for this shot. V
Marcia Colelli10-Sep-2009 02:00
Nice action capture V