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Barbara Read and Fred Schaad | all galleries >> Sports & Action >> Rodeos >> Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo 2009 > Saddle Bronc I
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Sept 2009 Fred Schaad

Saddle Bronc I

Merritt, BC view map

To qualify, the rider must have his spurs over the break of the shoulders until the horse completes his first jump out of the chute.
He will be disqualified for touching any part of the animal or equipment, for losing a stirrup or for getting bucked off before
the end of the eight-second ride. Each event requires a key component to achieve success and for saddle bronc competition, this
component is maintaining a good rhythm. In time with the bronc's bucking action, the rider spurs from the animal's neck, using
a full swing, toward the back of the saddle with his toes pointed outwards.

The equipment required by the saddle bronc competitor includes his own CPRA approved saddle, spurs with dull rowels (the revolving
disk at the end of each spur), leather chaps and a braided rein. The length of the rein is crucial as it can mean the difference
between staying on the bronc for the full eight seconds, or being tossed off. By adjusting his grip carefully, the cowboy can
maintain his balance and, hopefully, prevent himself from being pulled out of the saddle and over the front end of the horse. -C.P.R.A.

Canon EOS-1D Mark III ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM ,Digital
1/1600s, f/4.0, ISO 800, 280mm, 1.4TC full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Greybeard Images06-Mar-2011 17:56
I just love these airborne shots. So cool! V
Aloha Diao Lavina08-Feb-2010 04:39
Superb action shot. I love the three different expressions.
Matthew Mannell22-Sep-2009 23:40
That's quite the hangtime! Makes one realize how high off the ground these riders ca get. Vote
cits_4_pets18-Sep-2009 09:54
great timing getting at the high point of the bucking action, and nice framing between the 2 dudes behind. excellent shot!~
Raymond Ma16-Sep-2009 02:26
That is some serious air! Excellent...V
Naret Visesvongsa12-Sep-2009 06:09
You were very fast for this shot. V
Yiannis Pavlis11-Sep-2009 15:24
It is a wonderful moment .Stunning image, masterfully captured.V
Bill Warren10-Sep-2009 14:59
Houston we have lift off. Terrific subject alignment. V
Guest 09-Sep-2009 19:44
this is a great serie!!!love it!!V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography09-Sep-2009 19:05
Uhhh! Vote :)
Anna Pagnacco09-Sep-2009 14:47
Love this series a lot...another excellent one!!! ( V ) Anna
Gerard Koehl09-Sep-2009 14:31
Wow.. impressionnant. V