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Mertxe Pasamontes | all galleries >> Galleries >> Portraits > Selfportrait in June
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Selfportrait in June

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MarcViskens24-Sep-2014 20:05
very pretty
I can see a special look in your eyes
olivier bruning16-Oct-2013 18:45
Guest 14-Oct-2007 18:52
great portrait
Guest 06-Dec-2006 22:30
great shot cool exposure
Guest 28-Nov-2006 18:46
great work, well done.
Guest 16-Jun-2006 21:08
Genial te ha quedado este auterretrato, Creo que quedaría incluso mejor que el otro como avatar.
Chris Sofopoulos06-Jun-2006 19:21
Strong portrait. Definitely voted
Guest 06-Jun-2006 11:26
excellent monochrome work....gorgeous
shatterbug06-Jun-2006 05:38
Wonderful SP! Excellent work! V.
Marek Kacprzak06-Jun-2006 02:03
beautiful catch light... and framing with the hair really makes it. very dreamy image.
Michael Shpuntov06-Jun-2006 01:20
Very good high key SP. Great work.