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Barrie's Recent Galleries

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09-Jan-2024 03:19
Best of 2023
:: Best of 2023 ::
26-Feb-2019 02:39
Puerto Rico February 2019
:: Puerto Rico February 2019 ::
02-Jan-2019 02:28
Spring 2017
:: Spring 2017 ::
02-Jan-2019 02:25
Winter 2017
:: Winter 2017 ::
17-Apr-2017 01:34
Spring and Fall in Central Park 2016
:: Spring and Fall in Central Park 2016 ::
16-Apr-2017 23:27
spring and fall in Central Park  2015
:: spring and fall in Central Park 2015 ::
09-Nov-2014 23:41
:: spring_14 ::
11-Sep-2014 02:52
:: lows_2014 ::
16-Oct-2013 11:00
:: fall13 ::
19-Apr-2013 21:35
Spring Migration 2013
:: Spring Migration 2013 ::
18-Apr-2013 22:36
Trip to Northern California April 2013
:: Trip to Northern California April 2013 ::
21-Mar-2013 01:46
Winter 2012-13 in New York
:: Winter 2012-13 in New York ::