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Jane Ellison 17-Jan-2008 01:50
Hi Barrie, Remember me, Jane, from Crooked Tree. I was with Ellen's group and also bird in Central Park. I love your photos, and they bring me right back to Belize. That was a beautiful picture of Vera. Thanks for letting me relive the experience thru your fantastic pictures. I didn't have an underwater camera, but you got it all !!!
ronnie kagle 04-Mar-2006 15:58
I loved seeing your photos again. They are really incredible. I will pass these along to my nature loving family. This trip seems just so exciting and moving.
Rosalie Calabrese 13-Dec-2005 00:26
Barrie, I want to show my kids your black & grey photo that's hanging in the Wright Center - the one that looks like a silver print and has black leaves going across the top - to see if they want me to buy it (or anything else of yours) for them, but I don't find it here. Unless I simply missed it, you really should include that one; it's quite haunting. If I had any space left on my walls, I'd buy it for myself. All best - Rosalie
Lucie 23-Dec-2004 16:41
Wonderful pictures! Feels like I´m there with you! Love, Lucie
Barrie02-Sep-2004 01:56
some of the most photogenic subjects are Newmans...
the newmans 01-Sep-2004 23:22
great photos of a wonderful trip. thanks barrie
carole 20-Aug-2004 20:41
B-This looks like a life enlarging trip.
Ellen R 16-Aug-2004 20:14
I got the link twice. How do I enlarge the wedding photos, they're very small? Did you stand on a ladder to get the Giraffe?
beryl 07-Jul-2004 15:56
Really interesting, some fine and fun photos.