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Joe Thornton | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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bestop 02-Apr-2009 20:46
Hey Joe
Great work! How are you and patricia doing?
Guest 31-Dec-2008 23:17
Great Galleries
Paul Guttenberg20-Nov-2007 03:31

There are millions of photographs to look at within PBase. The images that stand out do so because of some passion within the image maker. You sir have that passion and it comes through in your images. It was a pleasure to look through your galleries. It has been so inspiring for me to view. Thank you for sharing them. I will visit often.

Take care,

Guest 02-Jul-2007 07:12
Dear Joe,You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent my friend...Excellent work...Greetings from Montenegro, old/new country in Europa and i will come back with pleasure...

Lisa Anderson 04-Sep-2006 16:23
Hey, Joe! It's the Foamhenge/Natural Bridge Caverns Trio....we are enjoying your very cool website and gorgeous photos! We'll be keeping up with you here and we can't wait to see where you go next!!! Blessings, Lisa, Trey & Keaton
Hong 14-Sep-2005 04:22
Hi, Joe:
I very like your pics, and live in baltimore area either. learn too much from you, great works.
Tara 27-Aug-2005 18:19
I really love your shots! I would love to take the type of candids you do of just everyday people, but to be honest, I don't have the guts to just take them...Neither do I want to for permission and then spoil the candid nature of the photo...Good work!