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purpod | all galleries >> A Year >> Simi Photographers Unite! >> The Old Santa Susana Train Depot > Time Wheels
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10-7-06 C. Evans

Time Wheels

Santa Su Pass, CA

* 10-13-06 *

I'm not sure why this shot is so appealing to me ~
But I really like it alot ~ perhaps it'll take you on
a trip back through time, as it did for me. Enjoy!

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Greg Harp19-Oct-2006 23:22
Neat shot, terrific composition. It appeals to me, too.
Kathy Pedersen19-Oct-2006 00:54
To return to these times, a great capture GF!
Buz Kiefer19-Oct-2006 00:22
A purpod wheel. WaY COOL.
Karen Stuebing18-Oct-2006 19:54
It's your color. :) Great composition and dof and I cannot figure out what those tires are made of.
Guest 18-Oct-2006 18:55
I like the composition and texture very much, ditto Laine with the levels!
laine8218-Oct-2006 17:44
It the thinking back on the past & all it gave to bring us to this point & wistful thoughts of how nice it would have been without the bustle of todays life...ah *sigh*

Love your shot...would love to see this in sepia with the levels notched up a bit !!