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purpod | all galleries >> A Year >> Simi Photographers Unite! >> The Old Santa Susana Train Depot > Hobo Signs
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10-7-06 C. Evans

Hobo Signs

Santa Su Pass, CA

* 10-12-06 *

I re-typed all of the words so that they were
legible.. Isn't this the coolest? A language all
their own that most peeps wouldn't have a clue ~

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Greg Harp19-Oct-2006 23:22
I wouldn't thought... Neat find and shot.
Gary Winters18-Oct-2006 02:45
This is fascinating! Who wudda thunk?
J. Scott Coile17-Oct-2006 21:18
I'd never know.
Kathy Pedersen17-Oct-2006 18:01
Cool, this little peep doesn't have a clue :)
Guest 17-Oct-2006 18:00
Now, this is something you don't see everyday!..v
Dan Chusid17-Oct-2006 16:33
Haven't seen those in my neighborhood...yet.