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purpod | all galleries >> A Year >> Sometimes a PaD >> Aug. 2006 > Untouched
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C. Evans


Westwood, CA

* 8-3-06 *

The TransGlobal Thursday Challenge today?
Straight from the camera minus resizing ~

Thanx to Good Old Mildred Mathias, overcast
weather & my Z6, I have a great shot ~

Others playing according to xllnt artist, Sheila:
Susan, Bev, Veysel, Chris, Adrian, Faye, Bill G,
Priya, Johnny, Joan, Cindi, Smith & JD.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Susan Leigh05-Aug-2006 11:15
nice image, good colour contrast..well framed!
Greg Harp04-Aug-2006 19:42
Gorgeous capture, love the color contrasts. GMV
Buz Kiefer04-Aug-2006 18:23
Beautiful capture of a very white subject. No blow outs and the rounded edges of the leaves make for a very pleasing BG. Vote.
Guest 04-Aug-2006 12:49
Just beautiful
Guest 04-Aug-2006 09:35
Nice shot of these lovely white blossoms!!!
Jola Dziubinska04-Aug-2006 09:07
Excellent capture and natural colors, congrats.
Steven Jusczyk04-Aug-2006 07:26
Wow! Great snap!
Gary Winters04-Aug-2006 05:55
Definately sensational!
laine8204-Aug-2006 05:46
Lovely pure white blooms...well done, Colleen.
Coleen Perilloux Landry04-Aug-2006 02:16
Pinwheels, blow on them and see if they spin. Very nice.
Guest 04-Aug-2006 01:07
You mean the flower ;-)
Very nice contrast and flower!
Guest 04-Aug-2006 00:24
Beautiful, clean whites and vibrant green, excellent image Colleen
Guest 03-Aug-2006 23:17
beautiful blossoms
shatterbug03-Aug-2006 23:11
Beautiful shot!
Jessica McCollum03-Aug-2006 23:05
Wow. The colors are rich!
Sheila03-Aug-2006 23:01
Beautiful shot, Colleen!
Bet they smell gorgeous!
J. Scott Coile03-Aug-2006 22:47
I can almost smell the "unfiltered" sweetness ;) Super Colleen!
wernere0103-Aug-2006 21:21
Fine shot. Beautiful surrounding by the curves of the green leaves.
Herb 03-Aug-2006 20:57
Nice image
Lee Rudd03-Aug-2006 20:48
lovely stars!