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Sometimes a PaD

I'm going to retire this gallery as I have already passed my 1 year
anniversary & without my Z6, the images I am capturing are not quite
what I'm seeing. I'll still post pic's, just not in this Gallery.

Many thanx to everyone for their kind comments & encouragements!
Oct. 2005 PaD
:: Oct. 2005 PaD ::
Nov. 2005 PaD
:: Nov. 2005 PaD ::
Dec. 05
:: Dec. 05 ::
Jan. 2006
:: Jan. 2006 ::
Feb. 2006
:: Feb. 2006 ::
Mar. 2006
:: Mar. 2006 ::
Apr. 2006
:: Apr. 2006 ::
May. 2006
:: May. 2006 ::
Jun. 06
:: Jun. 06 ::
July 2006
:: July 2006 ::
Aug. 2006
:: Aug. 2006 ::
Sept. 2006
:: Sept. 2006 ::
Oct. 2006
:: Oct. 2006 ::