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Ron Asp | all galleries >> Galleries >> Hand Hills Stampede 2014 > _GWW8030s.jpg "Bareback"
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31-MAY-2014 © Ron Asp

_GWW8030s.jpg "Bareback"

Hand HIlls Stampede 2014

Not sure about this riding at the Rodeo... One that has to be really hard on the neck and then trying to stay on about a square ft. of leather... They seem to like this event, but if the money is there those cowboys will do anything..

Nikon D3 ,Canon EF 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 L IS USM
1/2000s f/10.0 at 135.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Rick Bricker02-Jun-2014 05:00
Nice catch on the hooves in the air.Nice toning here too.
Ron and I attended this rodeo together.Was a good day....and a workout on my