Hand Hills Hold There Annual Stampede around First Week in June. This year my close friend, pbase photographer Rick Bricker, photographer went for the Saturday events... It takes about 3 hours to get there so we go a little earlier to take photos along the way.. To my a amazement Rick is not that bad at drive by shooting, which I never do...It was a fun day, warm no pressure, nice people to be around.. What more can you ask for... time get up till you get home is about 15hrs. kind of a long day but well worth it. See Ricks gallery from the Hand Hills at https://pbase.com/rickbricker/hand_hills_stampede_2014
_DSC9146s.jpg "Looks Like A Great Run"
_GWW8093.jpg Bulls were winning today...
_GWW8061.jpg The Fall
_GWW8030s.jpg "Bareback"
_GWW8081pb.jpg "The Bull Rider"
_GWW7734.jpg "This is Canada, our Alberta, Land of the Free..."