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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Hand Hills Stampede 2014 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Hand Hills Stampede 2014

Hand Hills Hold There Annual Stampede around First Week in June. This year my close friend, pbase photographer Rick Bricker, photographer went for the Saturday events... It takes about 3 hours to get there so we go a little earlier to take photos along the way.. To my a amazement Rick is not that bad at drive by shooting, which I never do...It was a fun day, warm no pressure, nice people to be around.. What more can you ask for... time get up till you get home is about 15hrs. kind of a long day but well worth it. See Ricks gallery from the Hand Hills at
_DSC9146s.jpg  Looks Like A Great Run
_DSC9146s.jpg "Looks Like A Great Run"
_GWW8093.jpg   Bulls were winning today...
_GWW8093.jpg Bulls were winning today...
_GWW8061.jpg  The Fall
_GWW8061.jpg The Fall
_GWW8030s.jpg  Bareback
_GWW8030s.jpg "Bareback"
_GWW8081pb.jpg  The Bull Rider
_GWW8081pb.jpg "The Bull Rider"
_GWW7734.jpg  This is Canada, our Alberta, Land of the Free...
_GWW7734.jpg "This is Canada, our Alberta, Land of the Free..."
_DSC9235pb.jpg Steer Wrestling At it's Best
_DSC9235pb.jpg "Steer Wrestling At it's Best"
_DSC9184pb.jpg  Calf Roping
_DSC9184pb.jpg Calf Roping