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Ron Asp | all galleries >> Galleries >> Hot Air Balloon Canadian Championship Camrose September 2011 > Pilot John Phillips
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01-SEP-2011 © Ron Asp

Pilot John Phillips

Camrose Alberta

This what it is all about. To win a pilot must take off and land in an area that it pick out a head of time. The wind takes you forward, but up and down controls the direction.. Different air flows take you right or left if you find them.. That's where the pilots knowledge comes in... In this competition there will be about 25-30 Hot Air Balloons. The event is four days and in the end a winner is declared. On the first night around 8pm before the races the next day they have all the balloons tethered, and inflated. Great photo op at this time.

Canon EOS 7D ,Tokina AT-X 116 Pro 11-16mm F 2.8
1/160s f/14.0 at 11.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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