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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Buck Lake Stampede 2012 "Best Action Shots" tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Buck Lake Stampede 2012 "Best Action Shots"

Hope to use only the best action shots of the day. Lots of shots taken and most are good, however I want to use only the best. There so many different rodeo and stampedes at this time but I feel I can find about 30 best shot take at Buck Lake. It was a great day for a stampeded... Last year it was Stampede in the mud. I was really impressed with the quality of stock use this year... always a fun day and should not be missed....
Four Seconds to Go
Four Seconds to Go
This Rider was a little sore..
This Rider was a little sore..
Ladies Barrel Racing Buck Lake Stampede
Ladies Barrel Racing Buck Lake Stampede
Two Steps
"Two Steps"
Reaching for the ground..
Reaching for the ground..
Candid shots from Buck lake Stampede
Candid shots from Buck lake Stampede
Hanging on For Dear Life
Hanging on For Dear Life
Where It all Happens....
Where It all Happens....
Yes, He's a Mean One
"Yes, He's a Mean One"
Going Up
"Going Up"
Someone Is Not Getting Up
"Someone Is Not Getting Up"
Ladies Barrel Race at the Buck Lake Stampede 2012 two
Ladies Barrel Race at the Buck Lake Stampede 2012 two
Ladies Barrel Race at the Buck Lake Stampede 2012
Ladies Barrel Race at the Buck Lake Stampede 2012
Last Timing Light fot the Barrel Racer
Last Timing Light fot the Barrel Racer
Cafe Ropeing  Buck Lake Stampede
"Cafe Ropeing" Buck Lake Stampede
THe Rodeo Clown
"THe Rodeo Clown"
Up. Out, and Running
Up. Out, and Running
Two of the best pick up men on the rodeo circuit.
Two of the best pick up men on the rodeo circuit.
Another Lucky  Bull Rider
"Another Lucky Bull Rider"
Back Off
Back Off
This Calf Has a Attitude
This Calf Has a Attitude
Calf Roping three
Calf Roping three
Hanging On For Points
Hanging On For Points
Bare Back at its Best Buck Lake three
"Bare Back at its Best" Buck Lake three
Bare Back at its Best Buck Lake two
"Bare Back at its Best" Buck Lake two
Steer Wrestling at Buck Lake 2012
Steer Wrestling at Buck Lake 2012
Bare Back at its Best Buck Lake
"Bare Back at its Best" Buck Lake
Yep, Gota get out of here..
Yep, Gota get out of here..
Ladies Barrel Buck Lake Stampede 2012
Ladies Barrel Buck Lake Stampede 2012
Steer Wrestling Buck Lake 2012
Steer Wrestling Buck Lake 2012
The Bull Fighter Doing His Job
The Bull Fighter Doing His Job