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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Around Alberta "2010" tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Around Alberta "2010"

This year I hope to get around more in my home Province of Alberta and capture the beauty we have here. There are so many places to see so will try to go to my favorites first and others which are recommended... A comments are appreciated. If you have any spot you feel is outstanding in Alberta please let me know and I will try to get there.. Thanks Ron
On the Old Banff Coach Road
On the Old Banff Coach Road
Native Reserve
Native Reserve
Sunset at By the Lake Park
Sunset at "By the Lake Park"
Five Minutes After Sunrise
"Five Minutes After Sunrise"
Greens of June
"Greens of June"
It Could be the Last Year it Will be Standing
"It Could be the Last Year it Will be Standing"
Rainbow and Clouds
Rainbow and Clouds
Same Storm Coming In
"Same Storm Coming In"
Canola Coming alive with color.
"Canola Coming alive with color."
Where the buffalo did roam...
"Where the buffalo did roam..."
Not So Straight Tracks
"Not So Straight Tracks
Near Elnora
Near Elnora
The Prairie's of Alberta
The Prairie's of Alberta
The Blue Church
"The Blue Church"
The Elevator at Big Valley
The Elevator at "Big Valley"
My Bank
"My Bank"
Smoke Covered Peace Hills
"Smoke Covered Peace Hills"
The After Glow
"The After Glow"
In the Shelter
"In the Shelter"
Refllections of Fall
Refllections of Fall
To Live in Those Days
"To Live in Those Days"
Battle Lake Trail
"Battle Lake Trail"
Lost Lake
"Lost Lake"
Pink Glow
"Pink Glow"
Early Morning Light
"Early Morning Light"
Meadows of Alfalfa
"Meadows of Alfalfa"
Richmond Area
"Richmond Area"
Dust of Harvest
"Dust of Harvest"
Battle Lake
"Battle Lake"
The Drag Lines At Reynolds Alberta Museum
"The Drag Lines At Reynolds Alberta Museum"
Warm Fall Evening
"Warm Fall Evening"
By the Light of the Silvery Moon
"By the Light of the Silvery Moon"
Bailer's Marsh
"Bailer's Marsh"
Combines Working Late to Finish Off
"Combines Working Late to Finish Off"
Dust of Harvest Two
"Dust of Harvest Two"
Late Fall Shots
"Late Fall Shots"
THe Jewel of Wetaskiwin
"THe Jewel of Wetaskiwin"
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A Boys Dream
"A Boys Dream"
Moon in the Morning
Moon in the Morning"